Black Friday Deal: Get 30% Off All Metrica Sports Plans!
Nov 19, 2024
Black Friday is here, and we’re bringing you our biggest sale of the year! 🎉 From now until November 30th, you can take advantage of an exclusive 30% discount on all Metrica Sports yearly plans.
This means that when you upgrade to any of our yearly plans, you’ll only pay for 7 months, and get 5 months completely free! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to supercharge your sports analysis!
How to Claim Your Discount
Unlocking this deal is easy:
Head to our Pricing Page.
Select the yearly plan that fits your needs and click on "Get Started".
If you don't have a Metrica Sports account you will need to create one by Signing Up.
Once logged in, review your Shopping Cart and click on "Proceed to Checkout".
Enter the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2024 at checkout.
That’s it! Your 30% discount will be applied automatically.
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Why Upgrade to a Premium Plan?
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Our premium plans are designed to give you the tools and insights you need to elevate your game. Here’s what you’ll get:
Unlimited Visualizations: Overlay dynamic telestration onto your videos to communicate easily with players and staff.
Unlimited Coding: Code the different events that take place in a game or training right after the final whistle.
Live Recording: Capture, analyze, and share highlights on the go.
Preset Visualizations: Customize and save your visualizations presets.
Automatic Tracking: Process Automatic Detection to all your games. Add visualizations to the players very quickly and be able to display speeds, distances and much more.
Custom Video Exports: Customize the specifications of the video file to be exported.
Whether you’re a coach, analyst, or sports enthusiast, Metrica Sports provides the edge you need to make informed decisions and improve performance.
Don’t Miss Out!
This Black Friday offer is only available until November 30th, so don’t wait! Upgrade now and enjoy all the benefits of Metrica Sports for a fraction of the price.
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Need Assistance?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out to our support team in our Help Center.
Take advantage of this limited-time offer and start transforming your sports analysis today!
Happy analyzing, and happy Black Friday! 🚀